Cara Mudah Memperpanjang Masa Aktif Kuota Internet Telkomsel 2022 – 8 words

Cara Mudah Memperpanjang Masa Aktif Kuota Internet Telkomsel 2022 – 8 words

Cara Mudah Memperpanjang Masa Aktif Kuota Internet Telkomsel 2022 - 8 words

Telkomsel menjadi salah satu operator telekomunikasi yang banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Namun, kadang pengguna kesulitan dalam memperpanjang masa aktif kuota internet Telkomsel. Kabar baiknya, kali ini kami akan memberikan cara mudah memperpanjang masa aktif kuota internet Telkomsel 2022.

Banyak orang yang sering lupa untuk memperpanjang masa aktif kuota internet mereka. Akibatnya, kuota internet tersebut terblokir dan membuat penggunanya tidak bisa mengakses internet. Nah buat kamu yang ingin memperpanjang masa aktif kuota internet Telkomsel dengan mudah, ada beberapa langkah yang harus kamu lakukan.

Langkah pertama yang harus kamu lakukan adalah membuka aplikasi MyTelkomsel. Kemudian, klik menu kuota dan saldo, lalu pilih opsi isi ulang atau memperpanjang. Setelah itu, pilih masa aktif kuota yang ingin kamu perpanjang. Jangan lupa, pastikan kamu memiliki pulsa yang cukup sebelum memperpanjang masa aktif kuota.

Dengan mengikuti 3 langkah mudah di atas, kamu sudah bisa memperpanjang masa aktif kuota internet Telkomsel secara cepat dan mudah. Jadi, bagi kamu yang belum tahu bagaimana caranya, yuk coba segera! Dapatkan koneksi internet yang lancar dan terus terhubung dengan keluarga dan temanmu!

Cara Memperpanjang Masa Aktif Kuota Internet Telkomsel 2022
“Cara Memperpanjang Masa Aktif Kuota Internet Telkomsel 2022” ~ bbaz

Comparison Blog Article: Cara Mudah Memperpanjang Masa Aktif Kuota Internet Telkomsel 2022


Internet data has become essential in today’s world, and many people depend on their mobile data for work, study, entertainment and communication. Therefore, running out of internet quota can be frustrating and inconvenient, especially when you have urgent tasks to complete. In this article, we will compare various ways to extend the active period of your Telkomsel internet data, the largest cellular operator in Indonesia’s market.

Method 1: Purchase Additional Data Package

The first option for extending your Telkomsel internet data is by buying additional packages. You can purchase various Telkomsel additional data packages according to your needs, such as midnight package, videomax package, entertainment package, and others. Each package offers different features, quota and price.


  • You can choose a package that suits your purpose and budget.
  • You can purchase the package through various channels, such as USSD, myTelkomsel app, Telkomsel website or third-party applications.


  • The packages have different validity periods, and some are only valid for a day or week, which means you need to purchase them frequently.
  • The price of some packages may be not cost-effective, especially if you need an extensive amount of quota.

Method 2: Refill Your Telkomsel Credit Balance

If you don’t want to buy additional packages, you can also extend your Telkomsel internet data by refilling your Telkomsel credit balance. When you refill your Telkomsel credit, the validity of your internet data will also be extended based on the amount of credit you refill.

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  • You have more flexibility to use your credit balance for other purposes besides buying data packages.
  • The validity period of internet data can be extended from one month to three months, depending on the amount of credit you refill.


  • The amount of credit you need to refill may correspond to a considerable amount of money, especially if you need an extensive amount of quota or extended validity periods.
  • The validity period of internet data only extends if you refill within a certain period before the original expiration date.

Method 3: Use BMB (Beli Masa Berlaku) Feature

BMB is a feature that allows you to extend the validity period of your Telkomsel internet data without purchasing packages or refilling your credit balance significantly. You can use this feature if your internet data has expired or almost expired, and you still have remaining credit balance.


  • BMB offers various validity periods and prices, so you can choose a plan that suits your needs and budget.
  • You can activate BMB easily through USSD, myTelkomsel app, or Telkomsel website.


  • BMB plans offer fewer quotas compared to additional packages or credit refill options.
  • BMB plans are usually only valid for a month or less, which means you need to activate them frequently if you want to extend the validity of your internet data continuously.

Comparison Table

Methods Advantages Disadvantages
Purchase Additional Data Package – You can choose a package that suits your purpose and budget. – The packages have different validity periods.
– The price of some packages may be not cost-effective.
Refill Your Telkomsel Credit Balance – You have more flexibility to use your credit balance for other purposes besides buying data packages.
– The validity period of internet data can be extended up to three months.
– The amount of credit you need to refill may correspond to a considerable amount of money.
– The validity period of internet data only extends if you refill within a certain period before the original expiration date.
Use BMB Feature BMB offers various validity periods and prices. – BMB plans offer fewer quotas compared to additional packages or credit refill options.
– BMB plans are usually only valid for a month or less.


In conclusion, extending the active period of your Telkomsel internet data can be done through various methods. You can choose a method that best suits your needs and budget. Purchasing an additional data package offers more quota options, but you might have to purchase them frequently. Refilling your Telkomsel credit balance is more flexible, but you need to spend a considerable amount of money. Meanwhile, using the BMB feature is convenient if you only have limited credit balance and need to extend your data validity quickly. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which method to use based on your internet usage, financial situation, and preference.

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Terima kasih telah membaca artikel tentang Cara Mudah Memperpanjang Masa Aktif Kuota Internet Telkomsel 2022. Semoga informasi yang kami sampaikan dapat membantu Anda dalam memperpanjang masa aktif kuota internet Telkomsel dengan lebih mudah dan efisien.

Jangan lupa untuk selalu memperhatikan jangka waktu masa aktif kuota internet Anda agar tidak kehilangan sisa kuota yang masih tersedia. Dengan memanfaatkan cara-cara yang sudah dijelaskan di dalam artikel, Anda dapat dengan mudah memperpanjang masa aktif kuota internet Telkomsel Anda tanpa perlu khawatir lagi.

Tetap gunakan kuota internet dengan bijak dan nikmati manfaatnya secara optimal. Terima kasih telah mengunjungi blog kami dan sampai jumpa di artikel berikutnya!

People also ask about Cara Mudah Memperpanjang Masa Aktif Kuota Internet Telkomsel 2022:

  1. Bagaimana cara memperpanjang masa aktif kuota internet Telkomsel?
    • Buka aplikasi MyTelkomsel atau akses website resmi Telkomsel.
    • Pilih menu Isi Ulang atau Paket Internet.
    • Pilih paket yang ingin diperpanjang masa aktifnya dan ikuti instruksi yang tertera.
  2. Apakah ada syarat khusus untuk memperpanjang masa aktif kuota internet Telkomsel?
    • Untuk melakukan perpanjangan, pastikan nomor Telkomsel Anda masih aktif dan memiliki saldo yang cukup.
    • Perpanjangan masa aktif juga hanya bisa dilakukan pada paket-paket tertentu yang mendukung layanan tersebut.
  3. Berapa lama masa aktif kuota internet Telkomsel bisa diperpanjang?
    • Masa aktif kuota internet Telkomsel bisa diperpanjang mulai dari 1 hingga 30 hari.
    • Perpanjangan masa aktif ini tergantung pada jenis paket internet yang dibeli.
  4. Apa yang harus dilakukan jika gagal memperpanjang masa aktif kuota internet Telkomsel?
    • Jika gagal memperpanjang masa aktif, pastikan nomor Telkomsel Anda masih aktif dan memiliki saldo yang cukup.
    • Coba ulangi proses perpanjangan atau hubungi customer service Telkomsel untuk mendapatkan bantuan lebih lanjut.